
Sunday, May 6, 2012


Busy Busy Busy! 
I like to post about once a week on this blog.  However, it's been a while and because of all that is up these days it will probably be a little while longer before I post again.  Here are a few of the things that I've been up to for the last few weeks:

April 16:  my 2nd graders performed a little choral "informance" for their parents - BEST performance to date at this school....
April 22-27: our round of state testing - Ya'll know that's always a difficult week
April 27-28: last session of Education Through Music - VERY refreshing and so much fun!
May 1: 4th and 5th grade choir and guitar ensemble concert - BEST singing yet - no air conditioning!
May 2: school district elementary choir festival - BEST behavior! I was so proud of my students! - GREAT experience!

In the very near future here is what I will be up to:

May 11: Songs of Hope Concert - Concert of original music that I've written - I've been working REALLY hard on this - I'll be glad when it finally arrives!
May 16: 4th grade "informance" for boom-whackers and recorders - making progress ever day!
May 28-May 29th: 5th grade and Kindergarten "Graduation" - coming along nicely

Sprinkled in all over the place I have rehearsals for an upcoming mission trip to Brazil and of course, the end of school.... grades, packing, organizing and planning for next year....

Today the plan was to do laundry and get the 5th grade graduation song recorded.....after church I decided that I was over due for a hair cut..........My hair dresser had just made her first cut when she asked me "Did you know that you have lice?"...... um no..... I wouldn't be getting my hair cut if I knew I had lice!

The thing is that I've been itchy for a while so a few weeks ago I  went in to our school nurse to receive my fairly regular, "lice check"..... When she told me that I didn't have lice, I was relieved! I've never had lice before, but as I work with the entire school I'm always careful...... I continued to itch, so I went to my doctor who also told me that I did not have lice.... I spent $80.00 on a prescription moose and got some relief.........The medication did help, so I thought it was a matter of time before things go better..... Of course my hair dresser told me that this happens all the time and she even finished cutting my hair, so I gave her a really big tip!

Having lice totally blew my entire day.  I have been cleaning like a mad woman and my friend Nancy came over to help me with my hair because as hard as I try I can't see the back of my head well enough to comb through it looking for critters....

Now that I have gotten far enough through the "lice be gone" process to quit hyperventilating every time I think about it, I am grateful for good friends and I am grateful that I figured it out on a weekend when I was able to be home long enough to get the lion's share of the work done.

Future Posts:
Here are some things that I am looking forward to examining in future posts

  • Math and Music - I came up with some ideas I'd like to share
  • Mac and PC - how to save things in such a way that they can be shared cross platform
  • Music interdisciplinary word walls
  • digital portfolios
  • music classroom library organization
  • student use of FINALE notepad

As you see I've got lots and lots and lots of music ideas to share!  Keep visiting the blog! 


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