
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My "Thoughtful" To-Do list for the Spring 2012

Here is a list that I hope will be true for me as I end my school year number 13.

List of things to throw out 

1.  Negative opinions (especially about children that I will get to teach next year.) - We've all had those students that are on our radar (with good reason) all year long..... now is the time to hit the delete button.  We are some of the lucky teachers who get to teach those precious kids over a long stretch of time. If we let them, children can use their resiliency to change and we will be so much happier if we can greet them next fall with a smile and a heart full of hope.

2. Great ideas that feel tired - Maybe it was the best idea I've ever had and it was great 5 years ago, but today is a new day and these students that I will get next year are new students, so I don't have to do things the same way twice just because it's more comfortable for me

3. Words misspoken - No one is perfect all of the time and especially at this time of year even the most professional of professionals is at risk of letting their unprofessionalism show by becoming a little unprofessional in their speech. Ya'll know that at this time of year we see both the best and "not so best" of our colleagues and ourselves. What better time to use a little more self control? What better time to extend grace?  So I'm gonna get over those "word hurdles" that steal my joy and I'm going to forgive and forget the  words "misspoken".

List of  things to keep

1. Purpose - My job - like most of yours is not for the faint of heart. I am here because this is where I am called to be.  The Lord has confirmed this truth to me over the last few months and I will hang onto the "right now" of His calling on my life.

2. Passion - I will not be lazy, or half hearted, or passive, or absent.  Instead I will be fully present and I will pursue this job as a spiritual act of worship.

3. Perspective  - Relationships with people are more important than any task I may undertake.  What I believe is important in a given moment may not ultimately be essential.  People are priceless, everything else is just gravy.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to close out the year!
    Cheers to another ending and to a new beginning (of summer vacation- that is!)
