
Monday, August 13, 2012

A Musical Word Wall!

So all summer I've been working on creating a word wall that will work in my classroom..... maybe my word wall will work for you too..... Feel free to download it and print.

You might also enjoy the  Musical Alphabet that I created earlier in the summer. 

There are two versions of the word wall.  The first is intended to be printed on 8.5x11 card stock and does not include the colorful background.   The second version is intended to be printed on 3x11.5 sentence strips which depending on how the supplies work at your school may be easier to get a hold of than regular card stock.  I first learned about printing on sentence strips from pinterest.  Please visit the awesome blog that provided those very detailed and useful instructions click at  "A Turn to Learn" .

The pictures give an example of each sub group of words.  Don't be fooled by the pictures.  The height of each word and most font sizes are identical throughout the entire collection. The clip art I used came from the  following sites: MSN clipartICLIPARTClip Art ETCWP Clipart .


Notation and Theory

Musical Elements, vocal and instrumental words

(Musical Elements 8.5 x 11 corrected on August 21, 2012) 

Ensembles and Occupations

Types and Elements of Song

Performances and Genres

Tempo and Dynamics

Pictures of this word wall in my class are coming soon!


  1. Great job! Thank you for saving us so much work!

    Thought I'd let you know the links for notation are directing to "parts & types of songs." Also the 8.5x11 music elements is going to sentance strips.

    1. Thanks for letting me know. I was putting it up in my room today and found a misspelled word! I am going to fix those things tonight

  2. Hi Bonnie,
    Just wondering if you've been using the sentence strips with the ruled lines on them to print these out, or have you found a place to purchase blank sentence strips? The only ones I can find at school are 3" x 24" and they have those lines for writing on them, so I figured I could just cut them in half, but wasn't sure how your lovely files would look with the ruled lines running through them! What have you been using?

    1. I decided that it would be easier to answer your question in a new post, because I remembered to take a picture of the type of sentence strips that I purchased. I bought them at Teacher Heaven and all I did was turn them over to the blank side :) Here is the link

  3. These are awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing.


  4. Hi again Bonnie! The link for the 8.5x11 Music Elements doesn't seem to be working. Can you email it to me? Thanks!

  5. Bonnie,

    The link for set 5 takes you to the set 3 cards.

    Thanks again for sharing these. :)


  6. THANKS for helping out and letting me know about the disconnects! I reset the links and hope that this solves the problem. Let me know.... if you still have trouble downloading I would be happy to email you directly. Thanks!

  7. You are amazing! Thank you! I have a huge (and ugly) wall that I was trying to think of something functional to do with. And this is PERFECT! Thank you again!

  8. I just noticed that Harmony is in the 3 inch strips version of Music Elements, but not on the PDF page. I got around it by printing the single strip on regular paper. Just thought I'd let you know. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!

  9. Hey Cyndy! Thanks for the helpful feedback! I believe that I have fixed the issue. Now when you download the "normal paper" 8.5 x 11 set of words in Music Elements, the word "harmony" should be with the set.
    If my efforts at correction were unsuccessful, please let me know and I will try again and also email you the word directly. Thanks for your persistence and patience.

  10. You are truly spectacular. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing these files. I am using the pdf versions and I noticed that there is a card for lines, but not one for spaces. Perhaps you would consider adding that one to one of your future updates? Again, thank you for sharing!

  11. Of course! I am planning several updates over the coming weeks.... AND because I'm using the sentence strip version I didn't know that one was missing...I just finished my room today, so I should be back in the updating business very soon. I'll be wanting both lines and spaces very soon myself....have a great year. Thanks for reading!

  12. Thank you Thank you!! I've been searching for a pre-made list :) Thank you for your generosity! Do you put all the words up at the beginning of the year or add them throughout? I'm in a K-2 building and wondering how to manage and use the wall... thanks!

  13. I am so glad you made these! They are wonderful. I was wondering if you have a blank template that you might be able to email me? I have a few more words that are in our Kentucky core content and I would love to keep the same font. My email is or If you don't have a blank template any more that is fine I was just curious. Thanks!!

    1. There is a blank template on the site that she leads you to to learn how to print on sentence strips. But I am having a hard time figuring out where my custom - size button is. It isn't working like that link to that site says it will. Must be my type of computer. hp Compaq intel. Any thoughts on how I can fix this?

  14. I don't have a blank template, but I'm always looking for more words, so if you will list them, I'll make them up...... Most everyone is using common core, so you won't be the only one in need of these words. Since this original post, there have been several posts containing updates and corrections, so it may be that the words already exist somewhere else. I'll send you a link to the corrections.... Please send me a list of the words. THANKS!

  15. Bonnie,
    Is there a way to get the color coded PDF's that will fit more on a pice of paper? I wanted to print them and then laminate them. Thanks so much!!!

  16. I decided to print off the smaller ones and use a flat head sharpie to categorize them.
    On another note, can you either send the 8.5x11 template or send me the word NOTATION inside that is capital letters? I know there is one with lower case letters, but I would like to use that as a heading. Also, under the NOTATION category, would you be able to make a stem with notehead card, flag note, and something to identify the double beam? Thanks so much!

  17. Love these suggestions. I'm working on creating new cards with the words you suggest. I've learned that if I work in haste, I make mistakes, so please know that I've started creating them, and hope to have them complete and ready for you to download within this coming week. Thanks! :)

  18. Hi Bonnie -
    Thanks so much for these cards! I know you've spent many, many hours creating them, and we all are very grateful. I noticed that the word "solfege" is misspelled. Also, I was wondering if you could add Sousaphone to the instruments? Thanks so much!

  19. Thanks for the kind words Erin! Thanks for the suggestion. I will do another update with all of the words that people suggest..... As it turns out you aren't the only person to notice the spelling of solfege. I researched it and there are 3 correct spellings, solfege being one of them.... In response, I created a solfege update post.... You will find a spelling that you use in update #2 which is found here

  20. Has anyone else had trouble printing the sentence strips? I am getting them printed, but the font and symbols are all coming out as shapes or letters(the symbols) rather than what they are supposed to be. Any thought on how to fix this?

  21. Maybe there is a problem with your PDF reader? I'm really not an expert at how the files interact, but I'm sorry that you are having issues....

  22. What a great blog, i am searching in Google from couple of days.Two Simple Ways to Get Traffic to Your Blog” but did not find any great way,but my search came to an end after visiting your blog.
    For musicians

  23. You have saved me HOURS of work. Thank you!!!

  24. Thank you for your kind words and for the nomination! I really appreciate both!

  25. I noticed that you had mentioned you would be willing to make new words. It's been a while ago since you said that. Would you still be willing to do this? I have tried and tried to figure out how to make some more unsuccessfully and need a few other words for our county list!

  26. Since the original post I was able to make several updates to the original set and then recently updated the entire set on my new website. Here is a link.

    You may find that some of the words that you need are included in the updated 2015 version. If not, feel free to send me a list and I'll see what I can do. I recently started grad school, so my ability to make new words now depends on the length of your list and the availability of graphics. The more words I have the more usable my vocabulary list is, so I'm always happy accept suggestions. Thank you for your help!
