
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Musical Alphabet in COLOR! = better letters!

Today I put up my new word wall!  I was so excited to put together all of my musical vocabulary words and my musical letters. 

First I put it here on my cabinets..... and then I thought..... NOPE!  That will only last 5 minutes.... my students have to walk by my cabinets to get in and out of the room and things that I put on my cabinets tend to walk off.  

Then I decided to place it here and thought..... This is WAY better!..... BUT I can't see the letters!  

See - they blend into the wall....

Especially the yellow letters

I'm glad that I was able to get up to school a couple days early to problem solve because this is a problem I can solve!  I redid the letters so that they will be easier to see.  I thought I'd share my "better letters" with you! 
Click HERE to download the alphabet cards in COLOR

I got the clip art that I used in these letters from the following sites MSN clipartICLIPARTClip Art ETCWP Clipart .

Now my new word wall looks better than EVER!

MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to see! 

The yellow letters are much easier to see now! 

Poor "I" doesn't have any words  : ( as I was putting
up my word wall a teacher friend reminded me of the word "Imitation".... I'll have to add it! 


  1. Introduction, Interlude and instrument also start with I. :)

  2. YAY! Thank you for the words!

    Words for "I" will be showing up very soon! Thanks!

  3. Thank you so much for the word wall. I could make it myself, but yours is so cute and will save me so much time! Thank you so much. I really appreciate it!

  4. Thanks for sharing!! I've been looking for letters for my word wall and these will be perfect!

  5. These are amazing and must have taken SO MUCH TIME to make! Thanks so much for sharing them! :)

  6. Very cool! Improvisation (the orff in me)

  7. I'll add it to the list :) Watch for more updates in the coming week..... School starts tomorrow for I should be in a position to publish a few updates very soon!
