
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Marvelous Monday!

May performances here we come! 
Here is my list of May events which range from full blown costumed performances, to "informances", field trips and simple deeds of appreciation but all together they mean that May is going to be crazy, and April is FULL FULL FULL of preparation!

This list doesn't include rehearsals or anything like that

Last week of April - TESTING! 
April 30 - Choir concert
May 1 - District Choir Festival
May 4 - Running for the Arts - Choir field trip and performance at the Mall
May 16 - 4th grade day time "informance" - orff, recorder, singing and dancing
May 22 - Volunteer Lunch
May 23 - 2nd grade day time and evening performance of Peter Rabbit
It's about here when I quite trying to keep the dates..... all I can remember is that I've got Kindergarten graduation and 5th grade graduation both of which require the students to sing a song and for me to help with rehearsal and maybe even reading names.

I'm going to do my best to continue to blog for the next few weeks but man oh man is there work to be done!!!!!!  When I get to my summer vacation I will have earned it!  Whew!

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