
Monday, July 29, 2013

Marvelous Monday - My new room BEFORE!

To say I was eager to start work in my classroom this morning was an understatement! 

My favorite things about this time of year include the fact that
1. I'm well rested!
2. I get to be creative!
3. I'm free to work in my room ....... or not......I love that it's still optional.....

I was so excited I could hardly sleep last night and it made waking up at 7:00 a.m. even more dreadful than it might have been after I've spent all summer reacquainting myself with the joys of being a night owl. 

I rushed around and finally made it around 9:30.  My new co-teacher and I did some exploring and set about putting our rooms in order. I started with my classroom library.  I have lots of books and last year I formalized the way that I organized them.  Here is the link for my post about how I organize my library called Buried in Books! .  There are even FREE downloads!   I got all of my books loaded on one of the book shelves by the door, but I'm not finished with it and so I forgot to take a picture..... The big victory for the morning is that both of us managed to wrestle our stereos into submission..... 

This is my stereo!.....under the garbage bags...  The speakers are on the top of the cart!  Those speakers are literally the largest speakers I have ever seen!  They WORK!!!!!  You could literally fill the entire school with music with these! 

Then I took time at lunch to run errands and swing by my parents house.  When I got back after lunch at almost 1:30  I sorted through and put away all of the textbooks that had been left out for inventory.  Whew!  The problem was that by the time I did all of that and put away a bunch of stuff I can't remember, my initial adrenaline laced punch of excitement had worn off AND I was starting to feel my serious lack of sleep.....  So at almost 4:00 p.m. I decided to call it a day.... I came home ...........and decided I'd rather write this blog than work on school stuff....... at least for an hour or so..... now back to work :)

After seeing all of my things piled up on this shelf I realized suddenly that I don't teach music......I teach container and shelves anonymous..... hello my name is Bonnie and I'm addicted to sterelite..... Then I remind myself that when I'm organizing performances and teaching recorder at the same time, I  ALWAYS run out of available containers..

Small instrument and teacher storage.....
 If I have time I'll re-label the instruments - I like BIG labels

I'm proud of what I got done today, but somehow
 I thought I'd have time to get that bulletin board done.

Tomorrow Kristen and I are going to really dig into our planning in the morning when we are fresh and ready to go.  I'll post more when I've got more to show! 

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