
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Google Drive is AWESOME!

Today we started choir!  Yippee! 

This year we had a much easier time starting choir than last year because THIS year, instead of asking parents and students to return a sheet of paper letting us know that they were coming to choir today, we sent home a hyperlink that sent our interested parents and students directly to a google form.  YAY! 

Students who wished to join choir simply filled out the google form and without any other steps, we had an instant spreadsheet!!!! 

Today, when we were ready to mark attendance, and take note of who is interested in auditioning for special parts or serving as choir officers, my co-teacher and I were able to work on the very same spreadsheet at the very same time!  Our changes were visible to both of us and we got twice as much work done in half the time.  We also were both constantly working from the most current document. 

If you are looking for a way to manage your extra choirs better, then I HIGHLY recommend using google drive! 

It is working AMAZINGLY well! 

If you haven't tried it, now would be a great time! 


  1. I did the same thing this year! It has really helped to reduce paper clutter! I also use a google form anytime we are having a performance to gauge who is coming and who is not. One of my parents last year told me they love being able to quickly click things online rather than searching for a piece of paper!

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