
Thursday, March 12, 2015

My favorite things about SPRING BREAK!

So this week is spring break and I been taking life VERY VERY easy!

1.  SLEEP - I did quite a bit of extra sleeping this week.  Sleep is such a simple and important thing..... Luxuriating in extra (needed) sleep and rest can feel quite decedent. Maybe I'll make it to May......

2.  BOOKS - I did quite a bit of reading - I started the "Fruit of the Spirit" Bible Study by Beth Moore.

3.  WORK - So I did some school work, but I only worked on things that made me happy and that could be done while wearing pajamas.  Working in pajamas and having the luxury of un-dedicated  time makes work chores seem like a nice way to spend a rainy afternoon !

4.  MOVIES - Did you know that there is a documentary about the ice capades?  Yep - I watched it....

5.  FAMILY TIME - Last Spring Break my dad was still in the hospital. Yesterday is the 6 month anniversary of his stem cell transplant.  He is doing GREAT!  Every day is precious.

6.  VOCAL REST - Vocal and Auditory Rest is blissful. Years of vocal distress have trained me to practice silence when I'm home.  I no longer have the voice issues that I once had in part because of my efforts to be quiet.  I've found that not only my voice enjoys the rest, but my ears love silence too! It's been a treat to soak up some silence.

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