
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

2015-2016 Revised Music Teacher Planner - Chapter 4 - Performances, Volunteers and Field Trips

I've learned quite a bit using this planner and you are going to benefit as I've made some changes particularly to chapter 4.
The biggest change from the original planner is that I've  moved the volunteer information and tracking charts to the Performances and Field Trips sections because in real life, that is when I need them most.   My hope is that when I am talking with parents on the phone or sitting with them in a planning meeting, I'll be able to quickly jot down who is doing what and not have to spend any time flipping through the right page.  
I've also adjusted the riser seating charts a little as I've used them more.  My school fluctuates in size rather dramatically from year to year.  Last year we had 12 classes in each grade level while this year we had 8.  The number of risers I have never changes, so I need options for riser assignments to keep me sane.  

It's important to remember that not all pages are pictured below.  In order to see the full range of options, please download. 

In my planner I include the following 2 page layout for each performance on the calendar.  For me that includes, Kinder, 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 2 Choir performances.

  •  an ideas page 
  •  a volunteer / to do list 
  •  enough riser charts to fit both mine and my co-teachers classes (2-3 pages) depending on the  size of the grade level
  • a small performances page - 5th grade "graduation", Volunteer Appreciation Brunch, and whatever comes up throughout the year when some sort of musical performances is requested. 

Then I include the following 2  page layouts for each field trip I take during the year.  For me that is 1 5th grade trip and 2 choir trips. 
  • field trip planner page
  • checklist page - I made this after I printed my own planner but I hope it's helpful
  • chaperon assignment sheet - I wish I had included this one too...hopefully next year...


If you would like to download chapter 1 click   HERE! 
If you would like to download chapter 2 click HERE! 
If you would like to download chapter 3 click HERE! 

Advise about printing:  

The PDF files that are linked here include pages as I have them set up for my own planner.  Your needs may be different than mine so feel free to print more or less of any given page. You will notice that each page is either left or right of center.  This is to allow for binding or hole punching. 
For best results try to arrange your planner so that when your book is open an even numbered page is on the left and an odd numbered page is on the right.  

Please remember that all parts of this planner are intended as a gift to busy music teachers who spend hours of their own time and regularly contribute their own money to the cause of making their music classrooms a haven of learning through music.  If you choose to use any part of this planner please do not sell it.  If you choose to share any part of this planner with others, please share the link to the blog rather than downloading and then mass producing planners for others.

If you find any part of the planner useful or if you have a request or suggestion please leave a comment below.


  1. Thanks for posting this resource!

  2. You are very welcome! It's my pleasure.... By the way, I will be publishing one more chapter for the planner in the next couple of weeks. :)
