
Disclaimers, & Copyrights

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are my own and should be interpreted as my sole opinion, when I write this blog, I don't represent any particular organization. The instructional ideas that I share are either original or credited to the people who to the best of my knowledge had the idea first.

Images: It is always my intention to ensure that the information and images that I use are appropriately credited. As such, please know that the majority of the images used on this website are either photographs that I took myself, or they have come from the stock xchange, and to the best of my understanding, are being used in accordance with their individual license agreements.  If an image of a product, book or resource appears on my blog that is not a personal photo or one obtained through the stock xchange website, the credits are usually contained in the image itself, so the name of the product or company is easily discernible.   My sole intention is to share the good work of others in hopes that those individuals who create the best resources will continue to do so.

Music: If you would like to use any of the music files contained in on this blog, please ask.  Thanks!

Resources and FREE Downloads: If you download any of the free materials from my blog, please use them for educational purposes only.

Disclosures: I am a participant in Google AdSense and I am also an Amazon associate. 


  1. Hello. I updated my blog and have a new button. When you have time, please update my button on your page too. I noticed your button has also changed. I will update yours on my blog. However, in the grab box is not appearing. I had that same issue. If you use the code generator I mention on my post it should fix that problem for you. Go to my homepage and fine the October, 19, 2014 post.

  2. I just got it to work tonight. I'll change out your button too!
