First off!
Blog posts in the works..........
1. Word wall updates coming soon!
2. February melodysoup book award
3. Music careers online resources all in one place
4. macbooks and finale notepad projects
5. keynote projects
6. Valentines songs
7. Texas music
February has brought lots of changes and unexpected blessings to my world that have caused me to rely on blog posts that I created weeks ago to get me by. I haven't created any new content or responded to comments because boy have I been busy.....AND I didn't know that I would be!
My in my district the number of music teachers who have assigned to your school is dependent upon enrollment. When I joined the faculty 3.5 years ago and more than 100 students ago, our campus was firmly established in the 1.5 music teacher range.....we weren't at risk of loosing our half day music teacher, but we weren't in sight of getting a 2nd full time music teacher either. But NOW our enrollment is WAY up!
About 3 weeks ago, on a whim, I mentioned to my principal that the last time I had this many students to teach, there had been 2 of me..... (meaning 2 full time music teachers)....... I figured that it might be wishful thinking, but it never hurts to ask if we could get some help for next year. Never in a million years did I dream that they would be able to take care of the need THIS YEAR!!!! Ella who is our half day music teacher in the morning has another campus where she teaches in the afternoon........SOOOOOOO I needed an afternoon only half time music teacher.... I thought OH MY!!!! where am I going to find one of those. My wish list included someone qualified to teach music.
So after two weeks of searching and praying for the right person to come along and teaching with a sub..... we were able to arrange for my friend Rosemary to join us. Rosemary is AWESOME! She is a "real" music teacher.... who actually taught at my school just before I did. Rosemary started yesterday and already I'm feeling the benefit of her help.
Yesterday and today, EVEN with my tough groups has been so much easier simply because my afternoons are less packed..... As it turns out, teaching just a little over 1 class at a time (25-30) students works sooooo much better than 1.5 classes (35-45) students
Ya'll that isn't even all!
This weekend, my church choir is presenting a concert full of music written by one of our composer friends Mary McDonald, so I've got extra rehearsals..... AND I've got to get my sub plans ready because............
On Tuesday I get to go to TMEA! I haven't been to TMEA in about 3 years so I almost feel like I'm going to Hawaii for vacation. In Texas we have our state convention in San Antonio every year and it's been right there in the convention center since the beginning of time, so we've gotten good at having it there and know how to use our space well. I'm going up on Tuesday afternoon because I've decided to be adventurous and take the MEGABUS! I'll let you know how it goes.
On Wednesday I am going to the T:I:M:E conference that is held every other year and look forward to getting lots of ideas about how to use technology.
When I get back, my students should be close to finished preparing for our annual Go Texas Day Hoe Down and Sing Along. We partner with PE and Art to put together an all day shindig in preparation for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.
The next two weeks are CRAZY!!!! But REALLY awesome!
I think maybe I should add more capitol letters and apostrophes.